Jumat, 15 November 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of HP Android

Advantages and Disadvantages of HP Android - Android is indeed ngetrend this time, but you should know also Advantages and Disadvantages of HP Android that you may not know. The following I will give HP Advantages and Disadvantages of Android that you can see

Excess Android Phones
1 . multitaskinIf you ever feel the advantages of Symbian that can open multiple applications at once , as well as Android is capable of opening multiple applications at once without having to close one of them .
2 . Ease in NotificationsEvery SMS , Email , or even the latest articles from an RSS Reader , there will always be a notification on the Home Screen Mobile Android , do not miss the LED indicator is blinking , so you will not miss a single SMS , Email or misscall though .
3 . Easy Access to Thousands of Applications Android via Google Android App MarketIf you are happy to install applications or games , passing the Google Android App Market you can download applications for free . There are many thousands of applications and games that are ready for you to download on Android phones .
4 . Cell phones are diverse optionsTalk Android phone , it will feel 'different ' compared to IOS , if IOS is only limited to the iPhone from Apple , then Android is available on mobile phones from various manufacturers , from Sony Ericsson , Motorola , HTC to Samsung . And every handset manufacturer also presents the Android phones with their respective styles , such as Motorola with its Motoblur , Sony Ericsson with his Timescape . So you can freely choose the Android phone in accordance with the ' brand ' favorite .
5 . Can install a modified ROMNot satisfied with the standard view of Android , do not worry there are plenty Costum ROM that you can use on Android phones .
6 . widgetThat's right , with the widget on the homescreen , you can easily access a variety of settings quickly and easily .
Disadvantages Android Mobile
1 . Continuous Internet connectionYups , most phone -based system requires the simultaneous internet connection alias aktif.Koneksi continuous GPRS internet is always active all the time , it means you have to be ready GPRS subscription package that suits your needs .
2.IklanAndroid Mobile Application in it can be obtained easily and for free , but the consequences in each of these applications , will always be on display ads , whether it's the top or bottom of the application .
Thus for HP article Advantages and Disadvantages Android this time , may be useful ...After reading do not forget to thumb .. thanks ..
Source ( LINK ACTIVE Please Do not Erase This ) : http://dhio89.blogspot.com/2012/10/kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-hp-android.html # ixzz2khlHV7OG

Title: Advantages and Disadvantages of HP Android; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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